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Principles of Steaming - Baby Bok Choy

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  • Difficulty: easy
  • Video Length: 08:35
  • Course: Cooking Technique I: Saute, Boil & Steam WTF?

Steaming is perfect for vegetables, fish and seafood because it's a more gentle way to cook. It's also extremely healthy. For steaming, you can use a metal steamer insert, a bamboo steamer, or a metal colander. We recommend the bamboo option combined with a wok. Assemble your wok and steamer and bring the water to a rapid simmer. Place your food evenly on the steamer and replace the lid. Different vegetables will require different cooking times - just check for crispy-tenderness and brightness of color. Finally, be sure the water doesn't seep through the holes. In that case, you'd be boiling, not steaming, the vegetable.

Ariane Duarte (Season 5)

Ariane is the chef/owner of CulinAriane, a four-star restaurant located in Montclair, N.J. She was inspired to cook at a young age by her grandmothers. After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America, she worked at some of the best restaurants in the country before she and her husband, Michael, opened CulinAriane. While much of her time is spent at her restaurant, she loves spending time with her daughters, especially at the beach. She also enjoys entertaining for family and friends. Her strong belief is that anything can be fixed and to keep smiling.